BoatU.S. Announces the Introduction of their
Master Mariner Membership
BoatU.S. has recently unveiled a brand new product that will be welcomed by a huge group of professionals that make their living on the water. This new membership level differs from a typical BoatU.S. membership as it is not targeted at the recreational boater. Two different types of mariners will benefit from this new level of service as outlined below.
Commercial Boats: If you own an uninspected boat for hire such as a fishing charter boat, survey vessel or a bait boat; this membership is for you! Fractional ownership boat clubs and sailing club boats would also fall under this new membership designation. It is important to note that you should purchase a membership for each boat that you own that meets this criteria.
Delivery Captain: If you make your living as a delivery captain, operating a variety of boats for different owners and organizations, this membership is what you have been waiting for. If you break down within the coverage area, the local TowBoatU.S. provider will tow you to your homedock or service facility at no charge.
The annual fee for the New Master Mariner membership is only $281.00. The service area in the waters of Broward County extends up to 130 miles offshore from TowBoatU.S. New River's home ports located at Hillsboro Inlet and Port Everglades. There is virtually uninterrupted towing coverage in all coastal and lake locations throughout the U.S. with varying coverage offshore in each locale. With the cost of towing averaging over $300.00 per hour and the average total towing bill approaching $800.00, the cost of membership is a great value that will provide incredible peace of mind to allow you to keep your thoughts focused on the core elements of your job; like safety, profitability, and customer satisfaction. Breakdowns at sea, battery jumps, soft ungroundings and fuel drops are all covered under this program while the member will be responsible for the cost of the fuel or oil being delivered and foreign customs if applicable.
Finally, remember that if you are a captain working full time for a private owner on a boat that is used recreationally, you should continue to ensure that the boat...yacht owner has an up to date BoatU.S. Unlimited Gold membership; this membership will cover any boat that he owns even while you are at the helm. To sign up or learn more about the Master Mariner membership, please contact TowBoatU.S. New River at 954-783-7821.